From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2016.04
Set path to draw, using string with commands represented as:
- M - MoveTo, 2 values (x,y)
- L - LineTo, 2 values (x,y)
- Q - QuadTo, 4 values (c0x,c0y,x,y)
- C - CubicTo, 6 values (c0x,c0y,c1x,c1y,x,y)
- H - Horzontal Line, 1 value (x)
- V - Vertical Line, 1 value (y)
- A - ArcTo, 7 values (r1,r2,angle,largeArc,sweep,x,y)
- Z - Close, no parameter
- * - repeat last command until all coordinates are exhausted
and provided coordinates as table or simply arguments
= Path2D:setPath(commandscoordinatesmore coordinates,)
'commands: (string) list of commands as ML**Z expecting according coordinates '
'coordinates: (table or number) lua table with coordinates for each command, in the same order as commands '
more coordinates: (number) if second argument is not table, you can provide more coordinates as separate arguments optional