From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Class: b2.Body
Applies an impulse at a point. This immediately modifies the velocity. It also modifies the angular velocity if the point of application is not at the center of mass.
This wakes up the body. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> b2.Body:applyLinearImpulse(impulsex,impulsey,pointx,pointy) </source>
impulsex: (number) the x coordinate of the world impulse vector, usually in N-seconds or kg-m/s
impulsey: (number) the y coordinate of the world impulse vector, usually in N-seconds or kg-m/s
pointx: (number) the x coordinate of the world position of the point of application
pointy: (number) the y coordinate of the world position of the point of application
- B2.Body
- B2.Body:applyAngularImpulse
- B2.Body:applyForce
- B2.Body:applyLinearImpulse
- B2.Body:applyTorque
- B2.Body:createFixture
- B2.Body:destroyFixture
- B2.Body:getAngle
- B2.Body:getAngularDamping
- B2.Body:getAngularVelocity
- B2.Body:getGravityScale
- B2.Body:getInertia
- B2.Body:getLinearDamping
- B2.Body:getLinearVelocity
- B2.Body:getLocalCenter
- B2.Body:getLocalPoint
- B2.Body:getLocalVector
- B2.Body:getMass
- B2.Body:getPosition
- B2.Body:getWorldCenter
- B2.Body:getWorldPoint
- B2.Body:getWorldVector
- B2.Body:isActive
- B2.Body:isAwake
- B2.Body:isBullet
- B2.Body:isFixedRotation
- B2.Body:isSleepingAllowed
- B2.Body:setActive
- B2.Body:setAngle
- B2.Body:setAngularDamping
- B2.Body:setAngularVelocity
- B2.Body:setAwake
- B2.Body:setBullet
- B2.Body:setFixedRotation
- B2.Body:setGravityScale
- B2.Body:setLinearDamping
- B2.Body:setLinearVelocity
- B2.Body:setPosition
- B2.Body:setSleepingAllowed