From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2020.9
Class: math
Returns the nearest point from a list.
(table),(number) = math.nearest({x,y,z},{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},...})
(table),(number) = math.nearest({x=x,y=y,z=z},{{x=x1,y=y1,z=z1},{x=x2,y=y2,z=z2},...})
x: (number) X component of the origin point
y: (number) Y component of the origin point
z: (number) Z component of the origin point optional
xn: (number) X component of the n-th point
yn: (number) Y component of the n-th point
zn: (number) Z component of the n-th point optional
Return values
Returns (table) the nearest point
Returns (number) the distance to the nearest point
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