From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2018.3
Class: * Initialisation and Core
Returns any data object associated with the entry point that the game was launched from.
The contents of the object are developer-defined, and can occur from entry points on different platforms. This will return null for older mobile clients, as well as when there is no data associated with the particular entry point.
(table) = FBInstant.getEntryPointData()
Return values
Returns (table) Data associated with the current entry point.
- FBInstant.canCreateShortcutAsync
- FBInstant.checkCanPlayerMatchAsync
- FBInstant.createShortcutAsync
- FBInstant.getEntryPointAsync
- FBInstant.getEntryPointData
- FBInstant.getInterstitialAdAsync
- FBInstant.getLeaderboardAsync
- FBInstant.getLocale
- FBInstant.getPlatform
- FBInstant.getRewardedVideoAsync
- FBInstant.getSDKVersion
- FBInstant.getSupportedAPIs
- FBInstant.logEvent
- FBInstant.matchPlayerAsync
- FBInstant.onPause
- FBInstant.quit
- FBInstant.setLoadingProgress
- FBInstant.setSessionData
- FBInstant.shareAsync
- FBInstant.startGameAsync
- FBInstant.switchGameAsync
- FBInstant.updateAsync