
From GiderosMobile

Available since: Gideros 2015.06.30
Class: Shader


Changes the value of a uniform from Lua code.



uniformName: (string) the uniform name to change
dataType: (int) the type of data to set (one of the Shader.Cxxx constants)
mult: (number) number of elements of the given type to set
data: (varies) and the actual data to set, either as a table or as multiple arguments


setConstant in a loop

-- loop
local timer = 0
stage:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(e)
	timer += 0.018
	shaderwave:setConstant("time", Shader.CFLOAT, 1, timer)
	bitmap:setX(bitmap:getX() + 1)
	if bitmap:getX() > 400 then bitmap:setX(-80) end

An outline shader setConstant 44 activated

spriteOutline = {}

spriteOutline.VS_GL = [[

	uniform highp mat4 vMatrix;

	attribute highp vec3 vVertex;
	attribute mediump vec2 vTexCoord;

	varying mediump vec2 fTexCoord;

	void main() {
		vec4 vertex = vec4(vVertex, 1.0);
		gl_Position = vMatrix*vertex;
		fTexCoord = vTexCoord;

spriteOutline.FS_GL = [[

	#ifdef GL_ES
		precision highp float;

	const float offseta = 0.010;

	uniform lowp vec4 fColor;
	uniform mediump vec4 fTexSize;
	uniform lowp sampler2D fTexture;

	uniform lowp int fSwitch;

	varying mediump vec2 fTexCoord;

	vec4 getSample(float x, float y, float offset, float num)
		vec4 result = vec4(0);
		float size = 360.0 / num;

		for (float a; a <= 360.0; a += size)
			vec2 coord = vec2(cos(a) * offset + x, sin(a) * offset + y);

			result += texture2D(fTexture, coord);

		return result;

	void main()
		vec4 col = texture2D(fTexture, fTexCoord);

		float nums = 32.0;

		if (fSwitch == 44) // fSwitch can be changed in code, 44 is some random value for documentation purposes
			vec4 nb = getSample(fTexCoord.x, fTexCoord.y, 0.020, nums);

			if (col.a > 0. && nb.a < nums)
				col.a = nb.a / nums;
				col.r = 0.0;
				col.g = 0.0;
				col.b = 0.0;

		gl_FragColor = col;
]], spriteOutline.FS_GL, Shader.FLAG_FROM_CODE,

local sprite ="gfx/test.png"))
spriteOutline.Shader:setConstant("fSwitch", Shader.CINT, 1, 44) -- set fSwitch value to be 44