
From GiderosMobile

Available since: Gideros 2022.3
Class: bit32


Returns a number whose bits have been logically shifted to the right by a given displacement.

(number) = bit32.rshift(x,disp)

Returns the number x shifted disp bits to the right. The number disp may be any representable integer. Negative displacements shift to the left. In any direction, vacant bits are filled with zeros. In particular, displacements with absolute values higher than 31 result in zero (all bits are shifted out).

For positive displacements, the following equality holds:

assert(bit32.rshift(b, disp) == math.floor(b % 2^32 / 2^disp))
This shift operation is what is called logical shift


x: (number) value
disp: (number) displacement

Return values

Returns (number) result after bits right shifted

See also

Bitwise Operators