From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2014.01
Class: Ads
Sets position of the ad in Gideros logical dimensions, taking into consideration applied automatic scaling.
- AdColony: does nothing
- Admob: banners only
- Amazon: banners only
- AppLovin: banners only
- Chartboost: does nothing
- HeyZap: does nothing
- iAds: banners only
- InMobi: banners only
- Millenial: banners only
- MoPub: banners sizes are reported only after ad is received
- Revmob: banners may report height as 0
- Samsung AdHub: banners only
- TapForTap: banners only
- TapJoy: banners only
- Unity: does nothing
- Vungle: does nothing
x: (number) x position to set
y: (number) y position to set