Adding a New Resolution to the Player
From GiderosMobile
In the mainwindow.ui, player folder:
Add a new addaction and action:
<addaction name="action750x1334"/>
<action name="action750x1334"> <property name="checkable"> <bool>true</bool> </property> <property name="text"> <string>750x1334 (iPhone 6)</string> </property> </action>
In the mainwindow.cpp:
Constructor, these snippets:
connect(ui.action750x1334, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionResolution())); resolutionGroup_->addAction(ui.action750x1334); case 750: ui.action750x1334->setChecked(true); break;
In closeEvent:
else if (resolutionGroup_->checkedAction() == ui.action750x1334) settings.setValue("resolution", 750);
In hardwareWidth:
else if (resolutionGroup_->checkedAction() == ui.action750x1334) return 750;
And in the hardwareHeight:
else if (resolutionGroup_->checkedAction() == ui.action750x1334) return 1334;
Thanks to marcelojunior ( for tutorial