Tuto tiny-ecs demo Part 2 Menu

From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 04:23, 17 December 2023 by MoKaLux (talk | contribs)

Setting up scenemanager is not the purpose of this tutorial but it adds a nice touch to our demo, so I will quickly go over it.

Hopefully the comments are plenty!


Create the init.lua file:

-- plugins
require "scenemanager"
require "easing"

-- app size we could use
myappleft, myapptop, myappright, myappbot = application:getLogicalBounds()
myappwidth, myappheight = myappright - myappleft, myappbot - myapptop

-- ttf fonts
myttf = TTFont.new("fonts/Cabin-Regular-TTF.ttf", 8*4)


Create the main.lua file which contains the scenemanager and a list of scene transitions and easings:

-- scene manager
scenemanager = SceneManager.new(
		["menu"] = Menu,
		["levelX"] = LevelX,

-- transitions & easings
transitions = {
	SceneManager.moveFromRight, -- 1
	SceneManager.moveFromLeft, -- 2
	SceneManager.moveFromBottom, -- 3
	SceneManager.moveFromTop, -- 4
	SceneManager.moveFromRightWithFade, -- 5
	SceneManager.moveFromLeftWithFade, -- 6
	SceneManager.moveFromBottomWithFade, -- 7
	SceneManager.moveFromTopWithFade, -- 8
	SceneManager.overFromRight, -- 9
	SceneManager.overFromLeft, -- 10
	SceneManager.overFromBottom, -- 11
	SceneManager.overFromTop, -- 12
	SceneManager.overFromRightWithFade, -- 13
	SceneManager.overFromLeftWithFade, -- 14
	SceneManager.overFromBottomWithFade, -- 15
	SceneManager.overFromTopWithFade, -- 16
	SceneManager.fade, -- 17
	SceneManager.crossFade, -- 18
	SceneManager.flip, -- 19
	SceneManager.flipWithFade, -- 20
	SceneManager.flipWithShade, -- 21
easings = {
	easing.inBack, -- 1
	easing.outBack, -- 2
	easing.inOutBack, -- 3
	easing.inBounce, -- 4
	easing.outBounce, -- 5
	easing.inOutBounce, -- 6
	easing.inCircular, -- 7
	easing.outCircular, -- 8
	easing.inOutCircular, -- 9
	easing.inCubic, -- 10
	easing.outCubic, -- 11
	easing.inOutCubic, -- 12
	easing.inElastic, -- 13
	easing.outElastic, -- 14
	easing.inOutElastic, -- 15
	easing.inExponential, -- 16
	easing.outExponential, -- 17
	easing.inOutExponential, -- 18
	easing.linear, -- 19
	easing.inQuadratic, -- 20
	easing.outQuadratic, -- 21
	easing.inOutQuadratic, -- 22
	easing.inQuartic, -- 23
	easing.outQuartic, -- 24
	easing.inOutQuartic, -- 25
	easing.inQuintic, -- 26
	easing.outQuintic, -- 27
	easing.inOutQuintic, -- 28
	easing.inSine, -- 29
	easing.outSine, -- 30
	easing.inOutSine, -- 31

Menu scene

The Menu is a scene, so to better organise our code, please create a folder called "scenes" for example and create the menu.lua file inside it.

The Menu scene contains a couple of buttons (buttonMonster) which allow to navigate with the mouse, finger or keyboard (here the arrow keys are used).

Menu = Core.class(Sprite)

function Menu:init()
	-- bg
	-- tooltip layer
	local tooltiplayer = Sprite.new()
	-- buttons
	local btnsound = {sound=Sound.new("audio/ui/sfx_sounds_button1.wav"), time=0, delay=0.2}
	local volume = 0.5
	local mybtn = ButtonMonster.new({
		pixelwidth=8*20, pixelheight=8*8,
		pixelscalexup=0.8, pixelscalexdown=0.9,
		text="level 1", ttf=myttf,
		sound=btnsound, volume=volume,
	}, 1)
	local mybtn02 = ButtonMonster.new({
		pixelwidth=8*20, pixelheight=8*8,
		pixelscalexup=0.8, pixelscalexdown=0.9,
		text="level 2", ttf=myttf,
		sound=btnsound, volume=volume,
		tooltiptext="nothing here!", tooltipttf=myttf, tooltiptextcolor=0xff00ff,
		tooltipoffsetx=-8*16, tooltipoffsety=8*4,
	}, 2, tooltiplayer)
	local mybtn03 = ButtonMonster.new({
		pixelwidth=8*20, pixelheight=8*8,
		pixelscalexup=0.8, pixelscalexdown=0.9,
		text="Exit", ttf=myttf,
		sound=btnsound, volume=volume,
	}, 3)
	-- btns table for keyboard navigation
	self.btns = {}
	self.btns[#self.btns + 1] = mybtn
	self.btns[#self.btns + 1] = mybtn02
	self.btns[#self.btns + 1] = mybtn03
	self.selector = 1 -- starting button
	-- positions
	mybtn:setPosition(12*myappwidth/16, 4*myappheight/16)
	mybtn02:setPosition(12*myappwidth/16, 8*myappheight/16)
	mybtn03:setPosition(12*myappwidth/16, 13*myappheight/16)
	-- order
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do self:addChild(v) end
	-- btns listeners
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do
		v:addEventListener("clicked", function() self:goTo() end)
		v:addEventListener("hovered", function(e) self.selector = e.currselector end)
		v.btns = self.btns -- for keyboard navigation
	-- listeners
	self:addEventListener("enterEnd", self.onTransitionInEnd, self)
	-- let's go
	self:updateButton() -- update selected button state

-- event listeners
function Menu:onTransitionInEnd() self:myKeysPressed() end

-- update button state
function Menu:updateButton()
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do
		v.currselector = self.selector
		if k == self.selector then v:selectionSfx() end

-- keyboard navigation
function Menu:myKeysPressed()
	self:addEventListener(Event.KEY_DOWN, function(e)
		if e.keyCode == KeyCode.UP or e.keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT then
			self.selector -= 1 if self.selector < 1 then self.selector = #self.btns end
		elseif e.keyCode == KeyCode.DOWN or e.keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT then
			self.selector += 1 if self.selector > #self.btns then self.selector = 1 end
		elseif e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER then

-- go to scenes
function Menu:goTo()
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do
		if k == self.selector then
			if v.isdisabled then print("btn disabled!", k)
			elseif k == 1 then scenemanager:changeScene("levelX", 1, transitions[1], easings[2])
			elseif k == 2 then print("button ", k)
			elseif k == 3 then
				if not application:isPlayerMode() then application:exit()
				else print("Exit button ", k)

I wanted to get this part done pretty fast (sorry) so we could move to the ECS fun.

Prev.: Tuto tiny-ecs_demo Part 1 Setup
Next: Tuto tiny-ecs_demo Part 3 tiny-ecs World

Tutorial - tiny-ecs demo