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'''I wanted to get this part done pretty fast (sorry) so we could move to the ECS fun'''.
'''I wanted to get this part done pretty fast (sorry) so we could move to the ECS fun'''.

Latest revision as of 04:30, 17 December 2023

Setting up scenemanager is not the purpose of this tutorial but it adds a nice touch to our demo, so I will quickly go over it.

Hopefully the comments are plenty!


Create the init.lua file:

-- plugins
require "scenemanager"
require "easing"

-- app size we could use
myappleft, myapptop, myappright, myappbot = application:getLogicalBounds()
myappwidth, myappheight = myappright - myappleft, myappbot - myapptop

-- ttf fonts
myttf = TTFont.new("fonts/Cabin-Regular-TTF.ttf", 8*4)


Create the main.lua file which contains the scenemanager and a list of scene transitions and easings:

-- scene manager
scenemanager = SceneManager.new(
		["menu"] = Menu,
		["levelX"] = LevelX,

-- transitions & easings
transitions = {
	SceneManager.moveFromRight, -- 1
	SceneManager.moveFromLeft, -- 2
	SceneManager.moveFromBottom, -- 3
	SceneManager.moveFromTop, -- 4
	SceneManager.moveFromRightWithFade, -- 5
	SceneManager.moveFromLeftWithFade, -- 6
	SceneManager.moveFromBottomWithFade, -- 7
	SceneManager.moveFromTopWithFade, -- 8
	SceneManager.overFromRight, -- 9
	SceneManager.overFromLeft, -- 10
	SceneManager.overFromBottom, -- 11
	SceneManager.overFromTop, -- 12
	SceneManager.overFromRightWithFade, -- 13
	SceneManager.overFromLeftWithFade, -- 14
	SceneManager.overFromBottomWithFade, -- 15
	SceneManager.overFromTopWithFade, -- 16
	SceneManager.fade, -- 17
	SceneManager.crossFade, -- 18
	SceneManager.flip, -- 19
	SceneManager.flipWithFade, -- 20
	SceneManager.flipWithShade, -- 21
easings = {
	easing.inBack, -- 1
	easing.outBack, -- 2
	easing.inOutBack, -- 3
	easing.inBounce, -- 4
	easing.outBounce, -- 5
	easing.inOutBounce, -- 6
	easing.inCircular, -- 7
	easing.outCircular, -- 8
	easing.inOutCircular, -- 9
	easing.inCubic, -- 10
	easing.outCubic, -- 11
	easing.inOutCubic, -- 12
	easing.inElastic, -- 13
	easing.outElastic, -- 14
	easing.inOutElastic, -- 15
	easing.inExponential, -- 16
	easing.outExponential, -- 17
	easing.inOutExponential, -- 18
	easing.linear, -- 19
	easing.inQuadratic, -- 20
	easing.outQuadratic, -- 21
	easing.inOutQuadratic, -- 22
	easing.inQuartic, -- 23
	easing.outQuartic, -- 24
	easing.inOutQuartic, -- 25
	easing.inQuintic, -- 26
	easing.outQuintic, -- 27
	easing.inOutQuintic, -- 28
	easing.inSine, -- 29
	easing.outSine, -- 30
	easing.inOutSine, -- 31

Menu scene

The Menu is a scene, so to better organise our code, please create a folder called "scenes" for example and create the menu.lua file inside it.

The Menu scene contains a couple of buttons (buttonMonster) which allow to navigate with the mouse, finger or keyboard (here the arrow keys are used).

Menu = Core.class(Sprite)

function Menu:init()
	-- bg
	-- tooltip layer
	local tooltiplayer = Sprite.new()
	-- buttons
	local btnsound = {sound=Sound.new("audio/ui/sfx_sounds_button1.wav"), time=0, delay=0.2}
	local volume = 0.5
	local mybtn = ButtonMonster.new({
		pixelwidth=8*20, pixelheight=8*8,
		pixelscalexup=0.8, pixelscalexdown=0.9,
		text="level 1", ttf=myttf,
		sound=btnsound, volume=volume,
	}, 1)
	local mybtn02 = ButtonMonster.new({
		pixelwidth=8*20, pixelheight=8*8,
		pixelscalexup=0.8, pixelscalexdown=0.9,
		text="level 2", ttf=myttf,
		sound=btnsound, volume=volume,
		tooltiptext="nothing here!", tooltipttf=myttf, tooltiptextcolor=0xff00ff,
		tooltipoffsetx=-8*16, tooltipoffsety=8*4,
	}, 2, tooltiplayer)
	local mybtn03 = ButtonMonster.new({
		pixelwidth=8*20, pixelheight=8*8,
		pixelscalexup=0.8, pixelscalexdown=0.9,
		text="Exit", ttf=myttf,
		sound=btnsound, volume=volume,
	}, 3)
	-- btns table for keyboard navigation
	self.btns = {}
	self.btns[#self.btns + 1] = mybtn
	self.btns[#self.btns + 1] = mybtn02
	self.btns[#self.btns + 1] = mybtn03
	self.selector = 1 -- starting button
	-- positions
	mybtn:setPosition(12*myappwidth/16, 4*myappheight/16)
	mybtn02:setPosition(12*myappwidth/16, 8*myappheight/16)
	mybtn03:setPosition(12*myappwidth/16, 13*myappheight/16)
	-- order
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do self:addChild(v) end
	-- btns listeners
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do
		v:addEventListener("clicked", function() self:goTo() end)
		v:addEventListener("hovered", function(e) self.selector = e.currselector end)
		v.btns = self.btns -- for keyboard navigation
	-- listeners
	self:addEventListener("enterEnd", self.onTransitionInEnd, self)
	-- let's go
	self:updateButton() -- update selected button state

-- event listeners
function Menu:onTransitionInEnd() self:myKeysPressed() end

-- update button state
function Menu:updateButton()
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do
		v.currselector = self.selector
		if k == self.selector then v:selectionSfx() end

-- keyboard navigation
function Menu:myKeysPressed()
	self:addEventListener(Event.KEY_DOWN, function(e)
		if e.keyCode == KeyCode.UP or e.keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT then
			self.selector -= 1 if self.selector < 1 then self.selector = #self.btns end
		elseif e.keyCode == KeyCode.DOWN or e.keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT then
			self.selector += 1 if self.selector > #self.btns then self.selector = 1 end
		elseif e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER then

-- go to scenes
function Menu:goTo()
	for k, v in ipairs(self.btns) do
		if k == self.selector then
			if v.isdisabled then print("btn disabled!", k)
			elseif k == 1 then scenemanager:changeScene("levelX", 1, transitions[1], easings[2])
			elseif k == 2 then print("button ", k)
			elseif k == 3 then
				if not application:isPlayerMode() then application:exit()
				else print("Exit button ", k)


I wanted to get this part done pretty fast (sorry) so we could move to the ECS fun.

Prev.: Tuto tiny-ecs_demo Part 1 Setup
Next: Tuto tiny-ecs_demo Part 3 tiny-ecs World

Tutorial - tiny-ecs demo