
From GiderosMobile
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Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Class: TexturePack


Creates a new TexturePack object. This function creates the texture pack at runtime. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> TexturePack.new(textures,padding,filtering,options) </source>


textures: (table) file names of textures
padding: (number) the spacing between textures in pixels optional
filtering: (boolean, default = false) whether or not the texture is filtered, that is smoothing the image optional
options: (table) a table that specifies optional parameters optional. Currently, "transparentColor" and "format" fields are supported


Store all images in a folder to a table for use in TexturePack <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local lfs = require "lfs"

local list = {}

function attrdir(path) for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then local f = path..'/'..file local attr = lfs.attributes(f) if attr.mode == "file" then table.insert(list, f) end end end end attrdir("gfx/hero") -- folder to fetch images from

--local tp = TexturePack.new({"gfx/hero/HQ_Trooper_all.png", "gfx/hero/caverman.png", "gfx/hero/test01.png"}) local tp = TexturePack.new(list) local bmp = Bitmap.new(tp:getTextureRegion("gfx/hero/caverman.png")) stage:addChild(bmp) </source>

Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Class: TexturePack


Creates a new TexturePack object. This function loads the pre-packed texture atlas created by "Gideros Texture Packer" tool. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> TexturePack.new(txtfile,imagefile,filtering,options) </source>


txtfile: (string) Gideros Texture Packer text file path
imagefile: (string) Gideros Texture Packer image file path
filtering: (boolean, default = false) whether or not the texture is filtered, that is smoothing the image optional
options: (table) a table that specifies optional parameters optional. Currently, "transparentColor" and "format" fields are supported