
From GiderosMobile
(Redirected from R3d.Body:getMaterial)
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Available since: Gideros 2019.10
Class: R3d.Fixture


Gets the fixture material (bounciness, frictionCoefficient, rollingResistance).

(bounciness) (frictionCoefficient) (rollingResistance) = r3d.Body:getMaterial()

Return values

values between 0 and 1 (0 means no bounciness, friction or rolling resistance).

Returns (bounciness) the bounciness of the fixture (default = 0.5)
Returns (frictionCoefficient) the friction coefficient of the fixture (default = 0.3)
Returns (rollingResistance) the rolling resistance of the fixture (default = 0)


-- the body
view.body = xworld:createBody(view:getMatrix())
local shape = r3d.SphereShape.new(params.sizex) -- radius
local fixture = view.body:createFixture(shape, nil, params.mass)
-- materials
local mat = fixture:getMaterial()
print(mat.bounciness, mat.frictionCoefficient, mat.rollingResistance) -- returns 0.5, 0.3, 0