
From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 09:00, 24 March 2022 by MoKaLux (talk | contribs) (language)

Available since: Gideros 2013.06
Class: Microphone


Creates a new Microphone object.



deviceName: (string) the name of the device. Passing nil or an empty string will pick the default device
sampleRate: (number) sample rate of the recording. This value should be between 4000 and 44100
numChannels: (number) number of channels. This value can be 1 for mono and 2 for stereo
bitsPerSample: (number) bits per sample. This value can be 8 or 16
quality: (number) quality factor when a compression codec is used, between 0 and 1. Default to 0.5 optional