
From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 15:26, 13 July 2023 by Hgy29 (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "<source" to "<syntaxhighlight")

Available since: Gideros 2018.3
Class: Context


A unique identifier for the current game context. This represents a specific context that the game is being played in (for example, a particular messenger conversation or facebook post). The identifier will be null if game is being played in a solo context. The result is not guaranteed to be correct until FBInstant.startGameAsync has resolved.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> (string) = FBInstant.context.getID() </source>

Return values

Returns (string) A unique identifier for the current game context.


<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> fbContextId=FBInstant.context.getID() if fbContextId~="null" then print("context",fbContextId) FBInstant.getLeaderboardAsync("Highest Level Achievers."..fbContextId,function (e,error) print("group leaderboard event",e) print("group leaderboard error",error) end) else print("You may have tried to access a context high score in solo mode!") end