From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 11:44, 23 August 2018 by Hgy29 (talk | contribs)

Available since: Gideros 2015.08
Value: mouseHover


This event is dispatched when mouse is moved and not button is pressed. The event is available only on desktops as Windows, MacOS and WinRT

Difference between `Event.MOUSE_MOVE`

is that mouse hover does not have any mouse buttons pressed, but mouse move has at least 1 mouse button pressed.

Modifiers can have values of: `KeyCode.MODIFIER_NONE` `KeyCode.MODIFIER_SHIFT` `KeyCode.MODIFIER_CTRL` `KeyCode.MODIFIER_ALT` `KeyCode.MODIFIER_META`


x: (number) x coordinate of mouse cursor
y: (number) y coordinate of mouse cursor
rx: (number) unrounded x coordinate of the mouse cursor
ry: (number) unrounded y coordinate of the mouse cursor
button: (number) button pressed - none
modifiers: (number) Modifiers present