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Latest revision as of 10:38, 30 August 2023

Available since: Gideros 2015.7
Class: Application


Returns the state of the desktop setting provided as string parameter.

varies = application:get(setting)


setting (string) the name of the desktop setting

Return values

Returns (varies) the value(s) of the setting

Compatibility table

QT Win32 UWP Android Apple MacOS Apple iOS Apple tvOS Linux HTML
batteryLevel X X
clipboard X X X
commandLine X X
currentUrl X
cursorPosition X X X
directory X X X
documentDirectory X X X
openDirectoryDialog X X X X
openFileDialog X X X X
pathfileexists ? X X
saveFileDialog X X X X
screenSize X X X X X
temporaryDirectory X X X
windowPosition X X X
windowSize X X X
windowTitle X X X


Prints a list of all available settings

	Accepted value for Desktop's application:get()
	- [x,y] windowPosition
	- [w,h] windowSize
	- [w,h] screenSize
	- [x,y] cursorPosition
	- [text] clipboard
	- [text] windowTitle
	- [path] directory(where//help)
	- [path] openDirectoryDialog(title|path//help)
	- [path] openFileDialog(title|path|extensions//help)
	- [path] saveFileDialog(title|path|extensions//help)
	- [path] documentDirectory
	- [path] temporaryDirectory

print(application:get("directory", "help"))
	Accepted value for directory :
	- executable
	- document
	- desktop
	- temporary
	- data
	- music
	- movies
	- pictures
	- cache
	- download
	- home

Various examples


-- get screen size
screenwidth, screenheight = application:get("screenSize") -- the actual user screen size!
application:set("windowPosition", (screenwidth - myappwidth)/2, (screenheight - myappheight)/2) -- center the app
application:set("windowTitle", "MY TITLE")

-- get the user download folder path
print(application:get("directory", "download")) -- prints C:/Users/xxx/Downloads

File dialog open directory

--local path = application:get("openDirectoryDialog", "Title|C:/tmp/") -- "title|path" DEPRECATED IN 2022.10
local path = application:get("openDirectoryDialog", "Title", "C:/tmp/") -- "title", "path" NEW WAY
-- win32
local path = application:get("openDirectoryDialog", "Title", "C:\\tmp\\") -- "title", "path" win32 NEW WAY

File dialog open file

print(application:get("openFileDialog","Choisissez un liquide","I:\\","Bidon (*.bdn *.bid);;Fût et Tonneau (*.fut)"))
path = application:get("openFileDialog", "My Title", "c:\\", "Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg);;3D (*.obj *.glb *.fbx)"))
print(path) -- on cancel, returns nil for win32 and "" for other systems

-- file dialog to open a file of type .txt or .png
local path = application:get(
--	"openFileDialog", "Title|C:/tmp/|Text (*.txt);; Image (*.png)") -- "title|path|extensions" DEPRECATED IN 2022.10
	"openFileDialog", "Title", "C:/tmp/", "Text (*.txt);; Image (*.png)") -- "title", "path", "extensions" NEW WAY

-- file dialogs on win32 should use a delay Timer.delayedCall or Core.asyncCall
--self.tiled_ui.btnBrowse:addEventListener("clicked", self.browse, self) -- instead of this
self.tiled_ui.btnBrowse:addEventListener("clicked", function()
	Core.asyncCall(TheStage.browse, self) -- this

File dialog save file

-- first we choose the destination
local path = application:get(
--	"saveFileDialog", "Title|C:/tmp/|Text (*.txt);; Image (*.jpg)") -- "title|path|extensions" DEPRECATED IN 2022.10
	"saveFileDialog", "Title", "C:/tmp/", "Text (*.txt);; Image (*.jpg)") -- "title", "path", "extensions" NEW WAY
-- and we save some data to it
if path ~= 0 then
--if path ~= nil then -- for win32
	local srcf = io.open("mytext.txt", "rb")
	local dstf = io.open(path, "wb")
	local size = 2^13 -- good buffer size (8K)
	while true do local block = srcf:read(size) if not block then break end dstf:write(block) end

Path File Exists

-- Path File Exists for Windows 64
-- tests folder path (nil=doesn't exist, 1=exists)
if application:get("pathfileexists", application:get("directory", "pictures").."/Folder01") == nil then
	application:set("mkDir", application:get("directory", "pictures"), "Folder01")
	application:set("mkDir", application:get("directory", "pictures").."/Folder01", "subfolder01")
	application:set("mkDir", application:get("directory", "pictures").."/Folder01", "subfolder02")

-- Path File Exists for win32
-- tests folder path (nil=doesn't exist, 1=exists)
if application:get("pathfileexists", application:get("directory", "pictures").."\\Folder01") == nil then
	-- creates it
	application:set("mkDir", application:get("directory", "pictures").."\\Folder01")