Available since: Gideros 2023.1
Class: Core
Enables objects allocation profiler. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> (table) = Core.enableAllocationTracking(b) </source>
b: (boolean) true to start the profiler, false to stop the profiler and create the table
Return values
Returns (table) table with data
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> -- start the profiler Core.enableAllocationTracking(true)
-- do stuff...
-- end the profiler and create table local t=Core.enableAllocationTracking(false) if t then local counts={} for k,v in pairs(t) do counts[v]=(counts[v] or 0)+1 end local sort={} for k,_ in pairs(counts) do table.insert(sort,k) end table.sort(sort,function(a,b) return counts[a]>counts[b] end) for _,k in ipairs(sort) do print(counts[k],k) end end </source>