From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2012.09.3
Class: SoundChannel
Returns the current pitch of the sound channel (original pitch is 1).
(any), (any) = SoundChannel:getPitch()
Return values
Returns (any) the current pitch of the sound channel
Returns (any) the current pitch of the sound channel
- SoundChannel:getPitch
- SoundChannel:getPosition
- SoundChannel:getStreamId
- SoundChannel:getVolume
- SoundChannel:isLooping
- SoundChannel:isPaused
- SoundChannel:isPlaying
- SoundChannel:setEffect
- SoundChannel:setLooping
- SoundChannel:setPaused
- SoundChannel:setPitch
- SoundChannel:setPosition
- SoundChannel:setVolume
- SoundChannel:setWorldPosition
- SoundChannel:stop