Compiling Gideros Source
The following instructions are for developers who want to contribute to or otherwise experiment with the Gideros C/C++ engine and are not necessary for either building or deploying apps made with Gideros.
The Gideros project consists of the Gideros Studio IDE, the Gideros SDK libraries, Gideros Texture Packer, Gideros Font Creator, "players" or export templates for all the platforms Gideros supports, all targets of all plugins, a daemon and a bridge. The build system is flexible, so you only need the tools for the targets you are interested in deploying to with Qt (and MSYS2 on Windows) being a realistic minimum.
1.1 Install QT
When installing, expand the tree view and ensure you are installing the MinGW child option of the Qt version checkbox, as well as the MinGW option in the Tools section.
Recommended version 5.9.1 with MinGW 5.3
Double click on the downloaded file and follow instructions. (MAC) Move the created folder into your user account folder
1.2 (PC) Install console MSYS2
Double click on the downloaded file and follow instructions.
Open 32 bit MSYS2 shell: msys2_shell.cmd
pacman –Sy pacman pacman –Syu pacman –Su pacman –S tar pacman –S zip pacman –S git pacman –S base-devel
1.3 Install Gideros
1.3.1 Fetch gideros source code
(PC) Open MSYS2 32 bit shell
(MAC) Open a terminal
Navigate to the folder where you into to work.
git clone
1.3.2 Configure scripts
Make a copy of the file gideros/scripts/Makefile.def.example, rename it to Makefile.def and update the file copy according to your installation. Ensure that the QT\_ARCH and QT_TOOLSARCH paths are formatted correctly according to your Qt install directory structure (see below that they are named differently by Qt).
On PC:
For Qt:
QTBASEDIR=/c/Qt QT_ARCH=mingw53_32 QT_TOOLSARCH=mingw530_32 QTVER=5.9.1 QT5ICUVER=59
For Android:
# on Windows, also add this to PATH NDK_HOME=/c/android/android-ndk-r17b NDKBUILD=cmd //c /c/android/android-ndk-r17b/ndk-build.cmd # remember to escape disallowed characters, or wrap in quotes JAVA_HOME=/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Java/jdk1.8.0_144 ANT_HOME=/c/apache-ant-1.10.1 ANDROID_HOME=C:/SDKs/Android/Sdk
For WinRT:
FXC="/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.1/bin/x86/fxc.exe" MSBUILD="/c/Program Files (x86)/MSBuild/14.0/Bin/MSbuild.exe"
For html5:
EMSDK=/c/emsdkwin EMSDKPATH=$(EMSDK):$(EMSDK)/clang/e1.35.0_64bit:$(EMSDK)/node/4.1.1_64bit/bin:$(EMSDK)/python/$(EMSDK)/emscripten/1.35.0 EMSDK_PREFIX=PATH=$(EMSDKPATH):$$$$PATH cmd //c CRUNCHME=crunchme-win32.exe
QTBASEDIR=~/Qt QT_ARCH=clang_64 QT_TOOLSARCH=clang_64 QTVER=5.8 QT5ICUVER=54 #deprecated stuff
1.4 (PC) Android requirements
1.4.1 Install Android Studio and NDK
Recommended NDK is 17b (the x86_64 version)
1.4.2 Install Ant
1.5 (PC) Install Visual Studio
Install Win 8.1 SDK
Install Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows and Windows Phone 8.x
Ensure that you have MSBuild v12 or v14 installed (building with the makefile will fail with an incorrect version).
1.6 (MAC) Install Xcode
1.7 Install QScintilla
Double click on the downloaded file and follow instructions.
(PC) Unzip the file into the folder of your choice.
(MAC) Move the created folder into the Applications subfolder of your home directory.
(MAC) Open a terminal window
(MAC) On the first install:
sudo xCodebuild –license
(MAC) WARNING ! if you use QScintilla 2.9.4 and QT 5.7 :
You need to change two files from QScintilla :
With the command line, go to Q4Qt5 subfolder of QScintilla :
On PC :
Open Qt command prompt (called (eg) Qt 5.9.1 for Desktop). This command prompt just sets environment variables, allowing direct running of tools installed with Qt.
Navigate to QScintilla's Qt4Qt5 subfolder with ‘cd’ command, then type :
mingw32-make install
On Mac: Assuming X.x is your QT version, do the following :
make install
1.8 Install emscripten
You need this is you want to build for HTML5 + Facebook games.
Using emsdk, install packages sdk, clang, node, python and emscripten.
emsdk install <PACKAGE> emsdk update <PACKAGE> emsdk activate <PACKAGE>
(PC) Make sure the environment variable EM_CONFIG is set to the location of your emscripten config file.
(MAC) run ./emsdk_env to set environment variables
1.9 Install Git
(PC) Double click on the downloaded file.
(MAC) Ctrl + right click, open with « Install » Follow instructions keeping default values as they are.
(PC) open git-bash.exe console
(MAC) open a terminal window
git config –global "your git login" git config –global "your git email"
1.10 Install Steam SDK
This is necessary for the Steam plugin. Once you have it installed, create an environment variable called `STEAMSDK` that points to the directory you unzipped the SDK to.