Tuto tiny-ecs beatemup Part 8 Breakables

From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 23:44, 20 November 2024 by MoKaLux (talk | contribs)

The last ones

We have two entities left to make. Some breakable objects entities which will spawn collectible entities.

As I have mentioned before components are shared amongst entities and this is exactly the case here too. The breakable objects and the collectibles share the same components as our previous actors and the structure is almost the same as well.


Excuse my english, I am not an english native speaker. I called the breakable objects destructibles!

Please create a file "eDestructibleObject.lua" in the "_E" folder and the code:

EDestructibleObject = Core.class()

function EDestructibleObject:init(xspritelayer, xpos)
	-- ids
	self.isdestructibleobject = true
	-- sprite layer
	self.spritelayer = xspritelayer
	-- params
	self.pos = xpos
	self.positionystart = self.pos.y -- for sprite sorting
	self.sx = 1
	self.sy = self.sx
	self.flip = math.random(100)
	if self.flip > 50 then self.flip = 1
	else self.flip = -1
	self.totallives = 1
	self.totalhealth = 2
	if g_difficulty == 0 then -- easy
		self.totalhealth *= 0.5
	self.currlives = self.totallives
	self.currhealth = self.totalhealth
	-- recovery
	self.washurt = 0
	self.wasbadlyhurt = 0
	self.recovertimer = 10
	self.hitfx = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("gfx/fx/1.png"))
	self.hitfx:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5)
	-- ANIMATION: CAnimation:init(xspritesheetpath, xcols, xrows, xanimspeed, xoffx, xoffy, sx, sy)
	local texpath = "gfx/breakable/Barrel_02_0012.png"
	local framerate = 1
	self.animation = CAnimation.new(texpath, 1, 1, framerate, 0, 0, self.sx, self.sy)
	self.sprite = self.animation.sprite
	self.sprite:setScale(self.sx*self.flip, self.sy) -- for the flip
	self.animation.sprite = nil -- free some memory
	self.w, self.h = self.sprite:getWidth(), self.sprite:getHeight()
	-- create animations: CAnimation:createAnim(xanimname, xstart, xfinish)
	self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_DEFAULT, 1, 1)
	self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_IDLE_R, 1, 1)
	-- clean up
	self.animation.myanimsimgs = nil
	-- BODY: CBody:init(xspeed, xjumpspeed)
	self.body = CBody.new(0, 0) -- xspeed, xjumpspeed
	self.body.defaultmass = 1
	self.body.currmass = self.body.defaultmass
	-- COLLISION BOX: CCollisionBox:init(xcollwidth, xcollheight)
	local collw, collh = self.w*1, 8*self.sy
	self.collbox = CCollisionBox.new(collw, collh)
	-- hurt box
	local hhbw, hhbh = self.w, 1*self.h/2
	self.headhurtbox = {
	local shbw, shbh = self.w, 3*self.h/4
	self.spinehurtbox = {
	-- SHADOW: CShadow:init(xparentw, xshadowsx, xshadowsy)
	self.shadow = CShadow.new(self.w*1.1)

The main differences:

  • it is a single frame animation
  • no attacks
  • no AI

Once a breakable object is destroyed by the player, it spawns a collectible.


"eCollectible.lua" in the "_E" folder. The code:

ECollectible = Core.class()

function ECollectible:init(xspritelayer, xpos)
	-- ids
	self.iscollectible = true
	-- sprite layer
	self.spritelayer = xspritelayer
	-- params
	self.pos = xpos
	self.positionystart = self.pos.y -- for sprite sorting
	self.sx = 1
	self.sy = self.sx
	self.flip = math.random(100)
	if self.flip > 80 then self.flip = 1
	else self.flip = -1
	self.totallives = 1
	self.currlives = self.totallives
	-- ANIMATION: CAnimation:init(xspritesheetpath, xcols, xrows, xanimspeed, xoffx, xoffy, sx, sy)
	local texpath = "gfx/collectible/Dragon Eggs 1.png"
	local framerate = 1
	self.animation = CAnimation.new(texpath, 1, 1, framerate, 0, 0, self.sx, self.sy)
	self.sprite = self.animation.sprite
	self.sprite:setScale(self.sx*self.flip, self.sy)
	self.animation.sprite = nil -- free some memory
	self.w, self.h = self.sprite:getWidth(), self.sprite:getHeight()
	-- create animations: CAnimation:createAnim(xanimname, xstart, xfinish)
	self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_DEFAULT, 1, 1)
	self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_IDLE_R, 1, 1)
	-- clean up
	self.animation.myanimsimgs = nil
	-- BODY: CBody:init(xspeed, xjumpspeed)
	self.body = CBody.new(0, 0) -- xspeed, xjumpspeed
	self.body.defaultmass = 1
	self.body.currmass = self.body.defaultmass
	-- COLLISION BOX: CCollisionBox:init(xcollwidth, xcollheight)
	local collw, collh = self.w*0.6, self.h*0.6
	self.collbox = CCollisionBox.new(collw, collh)
	-- SHADOW: CShadow:init(xparentw, xshadowsx, xshadowsy)
	self.shadow = CShadow.new(self.w*0.75)
	-- IDEA: CREATE AN OSCILLATION COMPONENT using body xspeed, xjumpspeed!

You get the idea ;-)

We are done making all our entities!!!


The time has come to tackle the systems. I will try to make it easy :-)

Prev.: Tuto tiny-ecs beatemup Part 7 Enemies
Next: Tuto tiny-ecs beatemup Part 9 Systems

Tutorial - tiny-ecs beatemup