Tuto Gideros Game Template1 Part 7 Game
The Game Scene
This is going to be the last scene for our Gideros Game Template1 tutorial. A quick and simple one because you may decide to organize your game differently.
Note: you may have to provide your own game assets here
Usually, when I make games and prototypes, I put all my levels in one scene. When I change levels I reload the Game scene with a variable indicating the current level, eg.: currlevel = 1, 2, ... and load the appropriate graphics, sounds, ...
I have been using this kind of architecture for quite some time now, instead of calling my game scenes Level1, Level2, ..., I decided to call it: LevelX.
The Game scene (LevelX) will mainly consist of:
- moving the mouse cursor out of the way :-)
- arranging our graphics into Sprite layers: background layer, fx layer, actors layer, foreground layer, ...
- a game loop
It makes sense to create the file in the scenes folder. You can call the file levelX.lua, and the code:
LevelX = Core.class(Sprite)
local ispaused = false
function LevelX:init()
if not application:isPlayerMode() then -- move the cursor out of the way
local sw, sh = application:get("screenSize") -- the user's screen size!
application:set("cursorPosition", sw, sh) -- 0, 0
-- game sprites
local levelgfxlayer = Sprite.new() -- one Sprite to hold them all
local splatlayer = Sprite.new() -- fx layer
local actionlayer = Sprite.new() -- actors layer
-- the level bg & fg
local drawbglevel, drawfglevel -- background and foreground layers
if g_currlevel == 1 then
drawbglevel = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("gfx/levels/lvl1/untitled_0001.png"))
drawfglevel = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("gfx/levels/lvl1/fg_lvl1_0001.png"))
elseif g_currlevel == 2 then
drawbglevel = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("gfx/levels/lvl2/untitled_0001.png"))
elseif g_currlevel == 3 then
drawbglevel = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("gfx/levels/lvl3/untitled_0001.png"))
drawfglevel = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("gfx/levels/lvl1/fg_lvl1_0001.png"))
drawbglevel:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5)
drawfglevel:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5)
-- position
drawbglevel:setPosition(myappwidth/2-myappleft, myappheight/2)
drawfglevel:setPosition(myappwidth/2-myappleft, 8*myappheight/10)
-- order
levelgfxlayer:addChild(drawbglevel) -- first the background layer
levelgfxlayer:addChild(splatlayer) -- the fx layer
levelgfxlayer:addChild(actionlayer) -- the actors layer
if drawfglevel then levelgfxlayer:addChild(drawfglevel) end -- the foreground layer if any
self:addChild(levelgfxlayer) -- the layer that holds them all
-- the game loop
self:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, self.onEnterFrame, self)
-- let's go
-- game loop
function LevelX:onEnterFrame(e)
if not ispaused then
-- your game loop here
-- keys handler
function LevelX:myKeysPressed()
self:addEventListener(Event.KEY_DOWN, function(e) -- KEY_UP
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.ESC or e.keyCode == KeyCode.BACK then self:gotoScene() end -- MENU
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.P then ispaused = not ispaused end -- PAUSE
-- modifier
local modifier = application:getKeyboardModifiers()
local alt = (modifier & KeyCode.MODIFIER_ALT) > 0
if (not alt and e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER) then -- nothing here!
elseif alt and e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER then -- SWITCH FULLSCREEN
ismyappfullscreen = not ismyappfullscreen
-- scenes navigation
function LevelX:gotoScene()
for i = stage:getNumChildren(), 1, -1 do
end collectgarbage()
stage:addChild(Transitions.new(Menu.new())) -- next scene
Code comments
In the init function we:
- move the mouse cursor out of the way
- create the Sprite layers and "y" sort them from back to front
- add the game loop Event.ENTER_FRAME
- listen to some key to pause the game, go back to the Menu scene, ...
Sprite layers
I create a main Sprite layer levelgfxlayer which will hold all the other layers (Sprites and Bitmaps).
The background layer is a Bitmap but you can change it to be a Sprite and add bitmaps to it.
The splat layer is a Sprite to add all sort of fx (splats in this case). Please feel free to rename any of the layers.
The action layer is a Sprite which we add all graphics that can be considered an actor (the player, the enemies, collectibles, ...)
Finally the foreground layer is a Bitmap which you can change to be a Sprite.
the game loop
If the game is not in Pause mode it will execute what's inside it.
keys handler
We also listen to any key press to switch the state of the game or go back to the Menu scene, ...
Well that's it for this Gideros Game Template1 tutorial.
We should be good to go and dive straight into coding the core of the game, all the Template stuff being taken care of.
This is now yours to use/modify (add scenes, ...).
I hope this tutorial was useful and will help you on your journey of making great games using Gideros Studio ;-)
Prev.: Tuto Gideros Game Template1 Part 6 Options
Tutorial - Gideros Game Template1