From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2021.8
Class: camera
Take a picture. This function must be called while preview is active, that is Camera.start() has been called. If it returns true, then the platform will asynchronously take a picture from the Camera (eventually using flash) then call Camera.onEvent callback one or more times. It is your responsability to define Camera.onEvent before calling Camera.takePicture(). Camera.onEvent function takes two arguments:
- a number, indicating the type of event
- a data buffer (string) depending on the event type
Event types are:
- 0: shutter sound is triggered, data is empty (if supported)
- 1: uncompressed image ready, data contains the uncompressed image (android only, optional)
- 2: jpeg image ready, data contains jpeg image. This event is always fired if takePicture() was successful
(boolean) = camera.takePicture()
Return values
Returns (number) False if an error occured