From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2016.06
replace this matrix by a perspective projection matrix suitable for the current 3D engine
= Matrix:perspectiveProjection(leftrightbottomtopnearfar,)
'left: (number) left plane distance '
'right: (number) right plane distance '
'bottom: (number) bottom plane distance '
'top: (number) top plane distance '
'near: (number) near plane distance '
'far: (number) far plane distance '
Available since: Gideros 2016.06
replace this matrix by a perspective projection matrix suitable for this 3D engine (simplified form)
= Matrix:perspectiveProjection(fovaspectnearfar,)
'fov: (number) field of view angle '
'aspect: (number) aspect ratio (width/height) '
'near: (number) near plane distance '
'far: (number) far plane distance '