From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Class: b2
Creates and returns a wheel joint definition table.
(Please refer to b2.World:createJoint function for more information about all the information needed to create a wheel joint).
(table) = b2.createWheelJointDef(bodyA,bodyB,anchorx,anchory,axisx,axisy)
bodyA: (b2.Body) the first attached body
bodyB: (b2.Body) the second attached body
anchorx: (number) the x coordinate of the world anchor point
anchory: (number) the y coordinate of the world anchor point
axisx: (number) the x coordinate of the world translation axis in bodyA
axisy: (number) the y coordinate of the world translation axis in bodyA
Return values
Returns (table) A new wheel joint definition table
Wheel joint
--create empty box2d body for joint
local ground = world:createBody({})
ground:setPosition(350, 480)
--axisx, axisy values usually between 0 and 1
--0 0 moves freely
--0 1 force pulling back on y axis
--1 0 force pulling back on x axis
--1 1 force pulling back all diretions
local jointDef = b2.createWheelJointDef(body, ground, 350, 200, 1, 1)
local wheelJoint = world:createJoint(jointDef)