From GiderosMobile
Supported platforms: android, ios, mac, pc
Available since: Gideros 2011.6
A gear joint is used to connect two joints together. Either joint can be a revolute or prismatic joint. You specify a gear ratio to bind the motions together: coordinate1 ratio * coordinate2 = constant The ratio can be negative or positive. If one joint is a revolute joint and the other joint is a prismatic joint, then the ratio will have units of length or units of 1/length.
Gear joint combining revolute and prismatic joints
--create empty box2d body for joint
local ground = world:createBody({})
--create revolute joint
--note that ground should be passed as first parameter here
local jointDef = b2.createRevoluteJointDef(ground, body1, 300, 300)
local revoluteJoint = world:createJoint(jointDef)
--set motor
--axisx, axisy values usually between 0 and 1
--note that ground should be passed as first parameter here
local jointDef = b2.createPrismaticJointDef(ground, body2, 350, 100, 0.3, 1)
local prismaticJoint = world:createJoint(jointDef)
--set motor
--create gear joint using two already created joints
local jointDef = b2.createGearJointDef(body1, body2, revoluteJoint, prismaticJoint, 1)
local gearJoint = world:createJoint(jointDef)
Methodsb2.GearJoint:getRatio returns the gear ratio |
EventsConstants |