
From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 18:02, 12 January 2025 by MoKaLux (talk | contribs)
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Available since: Gideros 2014.01
Class: Application


Gets the device orientation (and not what is in project properties as done with getOrientation). Please check Gideros Accelerometer sample project for usage.

(string) = application:getDeviceOrientation()

Return values

Returns (string) values can be: "portrait", "portraitUpsideDown", "landscapeLeft", "landscapeRight"


Gideros Accelerometer sample project excerpt

local function compensateAccelerometer(x, y, z)
	local orientation = application:getOrientation()
	local deviceOrientation = application:getDeviceOrientation()

	local p1 = orientation == "portrait" or orientation == "portraitUpsideDown"
	local p2 = deviceOrientation == "portrait" or deviceOrientation == "portraitUpsideDown"
	local rotation = (p1 == p2) and deviceOrientation or orientation

	if rotation == "portrait" then
		return x, y, z
	elseif rotation == "landscapeLeft" then
		return -y, x, z
	elseif rotation == "portraitUpsideDown" then
		return -x, -y, z
	elseif rotation == "landscapeRight" then
		return y, -x, z