From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2013.06
Class: Mesh
Gets the size of the color array.
(number) = Mesh:getColorArraySize()
Return values
Returns (number) size of the color array
- Mesh
- Mesh:clearColorArray
- Mesh:clearIndexArray
- Mesh:clearTexture
- Mesh:clearTextureCoordinateArray
- Mesh:clearVertexArray
- Mesh:getColor
- Mesh:getColorArraySize
- Mesh:getIndex
- Mesh:getIndexArraySize
- Mesh:getTextureCoordinate
- Mesh:getTextureCoordinateArraySize
- Mesh:getVertex
- Mesh:getVertexArraySize
- Mesh:resizeColorArray
- Mesh:resizeIndexArray
- Mesh:resizeTextureCoordinateArray
- Mesh:resizeVertexArray
- Mesh:setAutoSort
- Mesh:setColor
- Mesh:setColorArray
- Mesh:setColors
- Mesh:setCullMode
- Mesh:setGenericArray
- Mesh:setIndex
- Mesh:setIndexArray
- Mesh:setIndices
- Mesh:setInstanceCount
- Mesh:setPrimitiveType
- Mesh:setTexture
- Mesh:setTextureCoordinate
- Mesh:setTextureCoordinateArray
- Mesh:setTextureCoordinates
- Mesh:setVertex
- Mesh:setVertexArray
- Mesh:setVertices