Article Tutorials/Drawing Shapes (filled polygons)
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Gideros Studio has a simple way of creating graphics in the way of Shapes.
To create a shape, you draw it using line commands. Once created, the shape can be rotated, scaled, ... <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local myShape = myShape:setLineStyle(2) myShape:setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, 0x9900ff) myShape:beginPath() myShape:moveTo(1,1) myShape:lineTo(100,1) myShape:lineTo(100,100) myShape:lineTo(1,100) myShape:lineTo(1,1) myShape:endPath() stage:addChild(myShape) </source>
This will draw a purple rectangle:
Manipulating your shape
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> myShape:setPosition(75,0) myShape:setRotation(45) myShape:setAlpha(0.5) </source>
There are a few options for setFillStyle:
Shape.NONE = No fill
Shape.SOLID = Solid color fill
Shape.TEXTURE = Fill your shape with the content of a PNG
This will set the shape as solid with a blue color filling and a transparency of 0.25: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, 0x0000ff, 0.25) </source>
There are also a few options for setLineStyle:
Note: This tutorial was written by Jason Oakley and was originally available here: