Hardware and OS
The Ultimate Guide to Gideros Studio
Hardware and OS
Introduction to hardware system
Getting logical dimensions
Getting device dimensions
Getting system information
Getting and setting orientation
Localization and language
Handling touch and mouse input
The easiest way to detect if the player touches the screen with two fingers, is to control the length of event.allTouches array. If it is 2, then exactly 2 fingers is touching the screen.
local function onTouchesBegin(event)
local isTwoFinger = (#event.allTouches == 2)
GPS and location
Gideros Studio provides a function for vibration. Consider the following example:
The vibration period is 300 ms for Android. For iOS, device vibrates for a duration which is determined by the operating system.
Disabling screen dimming
Some games may require that player doesn't touch the screen for a long time, e.g. those using accelerometer and gyro to control the actors on the screen. In this case, the screen may dim, depending on the user's activity and device settings. To disable (or enable) screen dimming, use the following commands:
-- disable screen dimming and device sleeping
-- enable screen dimming and device sleeping
Note: this function has no effect on desktop player.
PREV.: Playing_Sound_and_Music
NEXT: Extend_your_application_with_plugins