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== The last ones ==
== The Systems ==
We have two entities left to make. Some breakable objects entities which will spawn collectible entities.
We have our entities, we have our components, now the systems. What is an ECS '''System'''?
As I have mentioned before components are shared amongst entities and this is exactly the case here too. The breakable objects and the collectibles share the same components as our previous actors and the structure is almost the same as well.
A System is a wrapper around function callbacks for manipulating Entities. Systems are implemented as tables that contain at least one method; an update function that takes parameters like so:
'''function system:update(dt)'''
There are also a few other optional callbacks:
*'''function system:filter(entity)''' Returns true if this System should include this Entity, otherwise should return false. If this isn't specified, no Entities are included in the System.
*'''function system:onAdd(entity)''' Called when an Entity is added to the System.
*'''function system:onRemove(entity)''' Called when an Entity is removed from the System.
*'''function system:onModify(dt)''' Called when the System is modified by adding or removing Entities from the System.
*'''function system:onAddToWorld(world)''' Called when the System is added to the World, before any entities are added to the system.
*'''function system:onRemoveFromWorld(world)''' Called when the System is removed from the world, after all Entities are removed from the System.
*'''function system:preWrap(dt)''' Called on each system before update is called on any system.
*'''function system:postWrap(dt)''' Called on each system in reverse order after update is called on each system.
'''Please see [[Tiny-ecs#System_functions]] for more information'''
== eDestructibleObject.lua ==
That looks scary but worry not we won't use all the callback functions :-)
'''Excuse my english, I am not an english native speaker. I called the breakable objects destructibles!'''
Please create a file "'''eDestructibleObject.lua'''" in the '''"_E"''' folder and the code:
To put it simple a '''System''' manipulates entities. Let's see our first '''System'''.
== sDrawable.lua ==
Please create a file "'''sDrawable.lua'''" in the '''"_S"''' folder and the code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
SDrawable = Core.class()
function SDrawable:init(xtiny) -- tiny function
xtiny.system(self) -- called only once on init (no update)
function SDrawable:filter(ent) -- tiny function
return ent.spritelayer and ent.sprite
function SDrawable:onAdd(ent) -- tiny function
-- print("SDrawable:onAdd(ent)")
function SDrawable:onRemove(ent) -- tiny function
-- print("SDrawable:onRemove(ent)")
-- cleaning?
ent.sprite = nil
ent = nil
What it does:
* runs only once when it is called
* affects only entities which have a spritelayer variable (id) '''and''' a sprite variable (id)
* when an Entity is added to tiny-ecs '''World''', the '''System''' adds the Entity to its Sprite layer
* when an Entity is removed from tiny-ecs '''World''', the '''System''' removes the Entity from its Sprite layer
In other words, the '''System''' adds an Entity to a Sprite layer when the Entity is added to tiny-ecs World, and removes it from that Sprite layer when the Entity is destroyed.
== sPlayer1Control.lua ==
I am adding systems in an order that seems logical and helps in understanding the making of the game. The next '''System''' we add is the player1 controller.
"'''sPlayer1Control.lua'''" in the '''"_S"''' folder. The code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
EDestructibleObject = Core.class()
SPlayer1Control = Core.class()
function SPlayer1Control:init(xtiny, xplayer1inputlayer) -- tiny function
xtiny.system(self) -- called only once on init (no update)
self.player1inputlayer = xplayer1inputlayer
function SPlayer1Control:filter(ent) -- tiny function
return ent.isplayer1
function EDestructibleObject:init(xspritelayer, xpos)
function SPlayer1Control:onAdd(ent) -- tiny function
-- ids
self.player1inputlayer:addEventListener(Event.KEY_DOWN, function(e)
self.isdestructibleobject = true
if ent.currlives > 0 then
-- sprite layer
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT or e.keyCode == g_keyleft then ent.isleft = true end
self.spritelayer = xspritelayer
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT or e.keyCode == g_keyright then ent.isright = true end
-- params
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.UP or e.keyCode == g_keyup then ent.isup = true end
self.pos = xpos
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.DOWN or e.keyCode == g_keydown then ent.isdown = true end
self.positionystart = self.pos.y -- for sprite sorting
self.sx = 1
-- isactionpunch1, isactionpunch2, isactionjumppunch1,
self.sy = self.sx
-- isactionkick1, isactionkick2, isactionjumpkick1,
self.flip = math.random(100)
-- isactionjump1
if self.flip > 50 then self.flip = 1
if e.keyCode == g_keyaction1 then
else self.flip = -1
ent.animation.frame = 0
ent.isactionpunch1 = true
self.totallives = 1
elseif e.keyCode == g_keyaction2 then
self.totalhealth = 2
ent.animation.frame = 0
if g_difficulty == 0 then -- easy
ent.isactionkick1 = true
self.totalhealth *= 0.5
if e.keyCode == g_keyaction3 then
self.currlives = self.totallives
if ent.body.isonfloor then
self.currhealth = self.totalhealth
ent.animation.frame = 0
-- recovery
ent.positionystart = ent.pos.y
self.washurt = 0
ent.body.isonfloor = false
self.wasbadlyhurt = 0
ent.body.isgoingup = true
self.recovertimer = 10
ent.isactionjump1 = true
self.hitfx = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("gfx/fx/1.png"))
self.hitfx:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5)
-- ANIMATION: CAnimation:init(xspritesheetpath, xcols, xrows, xanimspeed, xoffx, xoffy, sx, sy)
local texpath = "gfx/breakable/Barrel_02_0012.png"
self.player1inputlayer:addEventListener(Event.KEY_UP, function(e)
local framerate = 1
if ent.currlives > 0 then
self.animation = CAnimation.new(texpath, 1, 1, framerate, 0, 0, self.sx, self.sy)
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT or e.keyCode == g_keyleft then ent.isleft = false end
self.sprite = self.animation.sprite
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT or e.keyCode == g_keyright then ent.isright = false end
self.sprite:setScale(self.sx*self.flip, self.sy) -- for the flip
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.UP or e.keyCode == g_keyup then ent.isup = false end
self.animation.sprite = nil -- free some memory
if e.keyCode == KeyCode.DOWN or e.keyCode == g_keydown then ent.isdown = false end
self.w, self.h = self.sprite:getWidth(), self.sprite:getHeight()
-- if e.keyCode == g_keyaction1 then ent.isactionpunch1 = false end
-- create animations: CAnimation:createAnim(xanimname, xstart, xfinish)
-- if e.keyCode == g_keyaction2 then ent.isactionkick1 = false end
self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_DEFAULT, 1, 1)
-- if e.keyCode == g_keyaction3 then end
self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_IDLE_R, 1, 1)
-- clean up
self.animation.myanimsimgs = nil
-- BODY: CBody:init(xspeed, xjumpspeed)
self.body = CBody.new(0, 0) -- xspeed, xjumpspeed
self.body.defaultmass = 1
self.body.currmass = self.body.defaultmass
-- COLLISION BOX: CCollisionBox:init(xcollwidth, xcollheight)
local collw, collh = self.w*1, 8*self.sy
self.collbox = CCollisionBox.new(collw, collh)
-- hurt box
local hhbw, hhbh = self.w, 1*self.h/2
self.headhurtbox = {
local shbw, shbh = self.w, 3*self.h/4
self.spinehurtbox = {
-- SHADOW: CShadow:init(xparentw, xshadowsx, xshadowsy)
self.shadow = CShadow.new(self.w*1.1)
The main differences:
What it does:
* it is a single frame animation
* runs only once when it is called
* no attacks
* affects only entities with the ''isplayer1'' id
* no AI
* when the player1 Entity is added to tiny-ecs '''World''', the System registers KEY_DOWN and KEY_UP events
Once a breakable object is destroyed by the player, it spawns a collectible.
The System processes the user keys input and sets various flags to be processed in a future ''sDynamicBodies'' System we will add.
== eCollectible.lua ==
== sPlayer1.lua ==
"'''eCollectible.lua'''" in the '''"_E"''' folder. The code:
"'''sPlayer1.lua'''" in the '''"_S"''' folder. The code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
ECollectible = Core.class()
SPlayer1 = Core.class()
function SPlayer1:init(xtiny, xcamera) -- tiny function
self.tiny = xtiny -- ref so we can remove entities from tiny system
self.tiny.processingSystem(self) -- called once on init and every update
-- fx
self.camera = xcamera -- camera shake
-- sfx
self.snd = Sound.new("audio/sfx/sfx_deathscream_human14.wav")
self.channel = self.snd:play(0, false, true)
function SPlayer1:filter(ent) -- tiny function
return ent.isplayer1
function SPlayer1:onAdd(ent) -- tiny function
function SPlayer1:onRemove(ent) -- tiny function
function ECollectible:init(xspritelayer, xpos)
local resetanim = true
-- ids
function SPlayer1:process(ent, dt) -- tiny function
self.iscollectible = true
-- hurt fx
-- sprite layer
if ent.washurt and ent.washurt > 0 and not (ent.wasbadlyhurt and ent.wasbadlyhurt > 0) then
self.spritelayer = xspritelayer
ent.washurt -= 1
-- params
ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_HURT_R
self.pos = xpos
if ent.washurt < ent.recovertimer*0.5 then ent.hitfx:setVisible(false) end
self.positionystart = self.pos.y -- for sprite sorting
if ent.washurt <= 0 then
self.sx = 1
ent.sprite:setColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1)
self.sy = self.sx
self.camera:setZoom(1) -- zoom
self.flip = math.random(100)
if self.flip > 80 then self.flip = 1
elseif ent.wasbadlyhurt and ent.wasbadlyhurt > 0 then
else self.flip = -1
ent.wasbadlyhurt -= 1
ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_LOSE1_R
if ent.wasbadlyhurt < ent.recoverbadtimer/2 then
if resetanim then
resetanim = false
ent.animation.frame = 0
ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_STANDUP_R
if ent.wasbadlyhurt <= 0 then
ent.sprite:setColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1)
self.camera:setZoom(1) -- zoom
resetanim = true
if ent.isdirty then -- hit
local function map(v, minSrc, maxSrc, minDst, maxDst, clampValue)
local newV = (v - minSrc) / (maxSrc - minSrc) * (maxDst - minDst) + minDst
return not clampValue and newV or clamp(newV, minDst><maxDst, minDst<>maxDst)
self.channel = self.snd:play()
if self.channel then self.channel:setVolume(g_sfxvolume*0.01) end
ent.hitfx:setPosition(ent.pos.x+ent.collbox.w/2+(ent.headhurtbox.x*ent.flip), ent.pos.y+ent.headhurtbox.y-ent.headhurtbox.h/2)
ent.currhealth -= ent.damage
local hudhealthwidth = map(ent.currhealth, 0, ent.totalhealth, 0, 100)
if ent.currhealth < ent.totalhealth/3 then self.tiny.hudhealth:setColor(0xff0000)
elseif ent.currhealth < ent.totalhealth/2 then self.tiny.hudhealth:setColor(0xff5500)
else self.tiny.hudhealth:setColor(0x00ff00)
ent.washurt = ent.recovertimer -- timer for a flash effect
ent.sprite:setColorTransform(2, 0, 0, 2) -- the flash effect (a bright red color)
ent.isdirty = false
self.camera:shake(0.6, 16) -- (duration, distance), you choose
self.camera:setZoom(1.2) -- zoom
if ent.currhealth <= 0 then
ent.wasbadlyhurt = ent.recoverbadtimer -- timer for player1 to stand back up
self.camera:shake(0.8, 64) -- (duration, distance), you choose
ent.currlives -= 1
for i = 1, ent.totallives do self.tiny.hudlives[i]:setVisible(false) end -- dirty but easy XXX
for i = 1, ent.currlives do self.tiny.hudlives[i]:setVisible(true) end -- dirty but easy XXX
if ent.currlives > 0 then
ent.currhealth = ent.totalhealth
hudhealthwidth = map(ent.currhealth, 0, ent.totalhealth, 0, 100)
if ent.currlives == 1 then self.tiny.hudlives[1]:setColor(0xff0000) end
if ent.currlives <= 0 then -- deaded
-- stop all movements
ent.isleft = false
ent.isright = false
ent.isup = false
ent.isdown = false
-- play dead sequence
ent.isdirty = false
resetanim = false
ent.washurt = ent.recovertimer
ent.wasbadlyhurt = ent.recoverbadtimer
ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_LOSE1_R
ent.sprite:setColorTransform(255*0.5/255, 255*0.5/255, 255*0.5/255, 1)
self.camera:setZoom(1) -- zoom
if ent.animation.bmp:getY() < -200 then -- you choose
self.totallives = 1
self.currlives = self.totallives
-- ANIMATION: CAnimation:init(xspritesheetpath, xcols, xrows, xanimspeed, xoffx, xoffy, sx, sy)
local texpath = "gfx/collectible/Dragon Eggs 1.png"
local framerate = 1
self.animation = CAnimation.new(texpath, 1, 1, framerate, 0, 0, self.sx, self.sy)
self.sprite = self.animation.sprite
self.sprite:setScale(self.sx*self.flip, self.sy)
self.animation.sprite = nil -- free some memory
self.w, self.h = self.sprite:getWidth(), self.sprite:getHeight()
-- create animations: CAnimation:createAnim(xanimname, xstart, xfinish)
self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_DEFAULT, 1, 1)
self.animation:createAnim(g_ANIM_IDLE_R, 1, 1)
-- clean up
self.animation.myanimsimgs = nil
-- BODY: CBody:init(xspeed, xjumpspeed)
self.body = CBody.new(0, 0) -- xspeed, xjumpspeed
self.body.defaultmass = 1
self.body.currmass = self.body.defaultmass
-- COLLISION BOX: CCollisionBox:init(xcollwidth, xcollheight)
local collw, collh = self.w*0.6, self.h*0.6
self.collbox = CCollisionBox.new(collw, collh)
-- SHADOW: CShadow:init(xparentw, xshadowsx, xshadowsy)
self.shadow = CShadow.new(self.w*0.75)
-- IDEA: CREATE AN OSCILLATION COMPONENT using body xspeed, xjumpspeed!
You get the idea ;-)
This System deals with the player1 being hit or killed:
* runs once on init and '''every game loop''' (''process'')
'''We are done making all our entities!!!'''
* in ''init'' we add the camera and a sound to add some juice to the game
* there are 2 kind of hurt animations depending on the player1 health (''washurt'' and ''wasbadlyhurt'')
* when the player1 is hit, we add a camera shake and play some sound
* we update the '''HUD'''
* when the player1 is dead we play a death sequence and restart the current level
== Next? ==
== Next? ==

Latest revision as of 21:27, 21 November 2024

The Systems

We have our entities, we have our components, now the systems. What is an ECS System?

A System is a wrapper around function callbacks for manipulating Entities. Systems are implemented as tables that contain at least one method; an update function that takes parameters like so:

function system:update(dt)

There are also a few other optional callbacks:
*function system:filter(entity) Returns true if this System should include this Entity, otherwise should return false. If this isn't specified, no Entities are included in the System.
*function system:onAdd(entity) Called when an Entity is added to the System.
*function system:onRemove(entity) Called when an Entity is removed from the System.
*function system:onModify(dt) Called when the System is modified by adding or removing Entities from the System.
*function system:onAddToWorld(world) Called when the System is added to the World, before any entities are added to the system.
*function system:onRemoveFromWorld(world) Called when the System is removed from the world, after all Entities are removed from the System.
*function system:preWrap(dt) Called on each system before update is called on any system.
*function system:postWrap(dt) Called on each system in reverse order after update is called on each system.

Please see Tiny-ecs#System_functions for more information

That looks scary but worry not we won't use all the callback functions :-)

To put it simple a System manipulates entities. Let's see our first System.


Please create a file "sDrawable.lua" in the "_S" folder and the code:

SDrawable = Core.class()

function SDrawable:init(xtiny) -- tiny function
	xtiny.system(self) -- called only once on init (no update)

function SDrawable:filter(ent) -- tiny function
	return ent.spritelayer and ent.sprite

function SDrawable:onAdd(ent) -- tiny function
--	print("SDrawable:onAdd(ent)")

function SDrawable:onRemove(ent) -- tiny function
--	print("SDrawable:onRemove(ent)")
	-- cleaning?
	ent.sprite = nil
	ent = nil

What it does:

  • runs only once when it is called
  • affects only entities which have a spritelayer variable (id) and a sprite variable (id)
  • when an Entity is added to tiny-ecs World, the System adds the Entity to its Sprite layer
  • when an Entity is removed from tiny-ecs World, the System removes the Entity from its Sprite layer

In other words, the System adds an Entity to a Sprite layer when the Entity is added to tiny-ecs World, and removes it from that Sprite layer when the Entity is destroyed.


I am adding systems in an order that seems logical and helps in understanding the making of the game. The next System we add is the player1 controller.

"sPlayer1Control.lua" in the "_S" folder. The code:

SPlayer1Control = Core.class()

function SPlayer1Control:init(xtiny, xplayer1inputlayer) -- tiny function
	xtiny.system(self) -- called only once on init (no update)
	self.player1inputlayer = xplayer1inputlayer

function SPlayer1Control:filter(ent) -- tiny function
	return ent.isplayer1

function SPlayer1Control:onAdd(ent) -- tiny function
	self.player1inputlayer:addEventListener(Event.KEY_DOWN, function(e)
		if ent.currlives > 0 then
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT or e.keyCode == g_keyleft then ent.isleft = true end
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT or e.keyCode == g_keyright then ent.isright = true end
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.UP or e.keyCode == g_keyup then ent.isup = true end
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.DOWN or e.keyCode == g_keydown then ent.isdown = true end
			-- ACTIONS:
			-- isactionpunch1, isactionpunch2, isactionjumppunch1,
			-- isactionkick1, isactionkick2, isactionjumpkick1,
			-- isactionjump1
			if e.keyCode == g_keyaction1 then
				ent.animation.frame = 0
				ent.isactionpunch1 = true
			elseif e.keyCode == g_keyaction2 then
				ent.animation.frame = 0
				ent.isactionkick1 = true
			if e.keyCode == g_keyaction3 then
				if ent.body.isonfloor then
					ent.animation.frame = 0
					ent.positionystart = ent.pos.y
					ent.body.isonfloor = false
					ent.body.isgoingup = true
					ent.isactionjump1 = true
	self.player1inputlayer:addEventListener(Event.KEY_UP, function(e)
		if ent.currlives > 0 then
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT or e.keyCode == g_keyleft then ent.isleft = false end
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT or e.keyCode == g_keyright then ent.isright = false end
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.UP or e.keyCode == g_keyup then ent.isup = false end
			if e.keyCode == KeyCode.DOWN or e.keyCode == g_keydown then ent.isdown = false end
--			if e.keyCode == g_keyaction1 then ent.isactionpunch1 = false end
--			if e.keyCode == g_keyaction2 then ent.isactionkick1 = false end
--			if e.keyCode == g_keyaction3 then end

What it does:

  • runs only once when it is called
  • affects only entities with the isplayer1 id
  • when the player1 Entity is added to tiny-ecs World, the System registers KEY_DOWN and KEY_UP events

The System processes the user keys input and sets various flags to be processed in a future sDynamicBodies System we will add.


"sPlayer1.lua" in the "_S" folder. The code:

SPlayer1 = Core.class()

function SPlayer1:init(xtiny, xcamera) -- tiny function
	self.tiny = xtiny -- ref so we can remove entities from tiny system
	self.tiny.processingSystem(self) -- called once on init and every update
	-- fx
	self.camera = xcamera -- camera shake
	-- sfx
	self.snd = Sound.new("audio/sfx/sfx_deathscream_human14.wav")
	self.channel = self.snd:play(0, false, true)

function SPlayer1:filter(ent) -- tiny function
	return ent.isplayer1

function SPlayer1:onAdd(ent) -- tiny function

function SPlayer1:onRemove(ent) -- tiny function

local resetanim = true
function SPlayer1:process(ent, dt) -- tiny function
	-- hurt fx
	if ent.washurt and ent.washurt > 0 and not (ent.wasbadlyhurt and ent.wasbadlyhurt > 0) then
		ent.washurt -= 1
		ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_HURT_R
		if ent.washurt < ent.recovertimer*0.5 then ent.hitfx:setVisible(false) end
		if ent.washurt <= 0 then
			ent.sprite:setColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1)
			self.camera:setZoom(1) -- zoom
	elseif ent.wasbadlyhurt and ent.wasbadlyhurt > 0 then
		ent.wasbadlyhurt -= 1
		ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_LOSE1_R
		if ent.wasbadlyhurt < ent.recoverbadtimer/2 then
			if resetanim then
				resetanim = false
				ent.animation.frame = 0
			ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_STANDUP_R
		if ent.wasbadlyhurt <= 0 then
			ent.sprite:setColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1)
			self.camera:setZoom(1) -- zoom
			resetanim = true
	if ent.isdirty then -- hit
		local function map(v, minSrc, maxSrc, minDst, maxDst, clampValue)
			local newV = (v - minSrc) / (maxSrc - minSrc) * (maxDst - minDst) + minDst
			return not clampValue and newV or clamp(newV, minDst><maxDst, minDst<>maxDst)
		self.channel = self.snd:play()
		if self.channel then self.channel:setVolume(g_sfxvolume*0.01) end
		ent.hitfx:setPosition(ent.pos.x+ent.collbox.w/2+(ent.headhurtbox.x*ent.flip), ent.pos.y+ent.headhurtbox.y-ent.headhurtbox.h/2)
		ent.currhealth -= ent.damage
		local hudhealthwidth = map(ent.currhealth, 0, ent.totalhealth, 0, 100)
		if ent.currhealth < ent.totalhealth/3 then self.tiny.hudhealth:setColor(0xff0000)
		elseif ent.currhealth < ent.totalhealth/2 then self.tiny.hudhealth:setColor(0xff5500)
		else self.tiny.hudhealth:setColor(0x00ff00)
		ent.washurt = ent.recovertimer -- timer for a flash effect
		ent.sprite:setColorTransform(2, 0, 0, 2) -- the flash effect (a bright red color)
		ent.isdirty = false
		self.camera:shake(0.6, 16) -- (duration, distance), you choose
		self.camera:setZoom(1.2) -- zoom
		if ent.currhealth <= 0 then
			ent.wasbadlyhurt = ent.recoverbadtimer -- timer for player1 to stand back up
			self.camera:shake(0.8, 64) -- (duration, distance), you choose
			ent.currlives -= 1
			for i = 1, ent.totallives do self.tiny.hudlives[i]:setVisible(false) end -- dirty but easy XXX
			for i = 1, ent.currlives do self.tiny.hudlives[i]:setVisible(true) end -- dirty but easy XXX
			if ent.currlives > 0 then
				ent.currhealth = ent.totalhealth
				hudhealthwidth = map(ent.currhealth, 0, ent.totalhealth, 0, 100)
				if ent.currlives == 1 then self.tiny.hudlives[1]:setColor(0xff0000) end
	if ent.currlives <= 0 then -- deaded
		-- stop all movements
		ent.isleft = false
		ent.isright = false
		ent.isup = false
		ent.isdown = false
		-- play dead sequence
		ent.isdirty = false
		resetanim = false
		ent.washurt = ent.recovertimer
		ent.wasbadlyhurt = ent.recoverbadtimer
		ent.animation.curranim = g_ANIM_LOSE1_R
		ent.sprite:setColorTransform(255*0.5/255, 255*0.5/255, 255*0.5/255, 1)
		self.camera:setZoom(1) -- zoom
		if ent.animation.bmp:getY() < -200 then -- you choose

This System deals with the player1 being hit or killed:

  • runs once on init and every game loop (process)
  • in init we add the camera and a sound to add some juice to the game
  • there are 2 kind of hurt animations depending on the player1 health (washurt and wasbadlyhurt)
  • when the player1 is hit, we add a camera shake and play some sound
  • we update the HUD
  • when the player1 is dead we play a death sequence and restart the current level


The time has come to tackle the systems. I will try to make it easy :-)

Prev.: Tuto tiny-ecs beatemup Part 8 Breakables
Next: Tuto tiny-ecs beatemup Part 10 XXX

Tutorial - tiny-ecs beatemup