From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2018.3
Class: * Initialisation and Core
The platform on which the game is currently running.
Can be "IOS", "ANDROID", "WEB" or "MOBILE_WEB".
(string) = FBInstant.getPlatform()
Return values
Returns (string) The current platform.
- FBInstant.canCreateShortcutAsync
- FBInstant.checkCanPlayerMatchAsync
- FBInstant.createShortcutAsync
- FBInstant.getEntryPointAsync
- FBInstant.getEntryPointData
- FBInstant.getInterstitialAdAsync
- FBInstant.getLeaderboardAsync
- FBInstant.getLocale
- FBInstant.getPlatform
- FBInstant.getRewardedVideoAsync
- FBInstant.getSDKVersion
- FBInstant.getSupportedAPIs
- FBInstant.logEvent
- FBInstant.matchPlayerAsync
- FBInstant.onPause
- FBInstant.quit
- FBInstant.setLoadingProgress
- FBInstant.setSessionData
- FBInstant.shareAsync
- FBInstant.startGameAsync
- FBInstant.switchGameAsync
- FBInstant.updateAsync