canMakePayments?1() [StoreKit] returns whether the user is allowed to make payments finishTransaction?1(transaction) [StoreKit] completes a pending transaction purchase?1(productIdentifier,quantity) [StoreKit] process a payment request requestProducts?1(productIdentifiers) [StoreKit] retrieve localized information about a list of products restoreCompletedTransactions?1() [StoreKit] restore previously completed purchases Event.REQUEST_PRODUCTS_COMPLETE?3 requestProductsComplete Event.RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS_COMPLETE?3 restoreTransactionsComplete Event.TRANSACTION?3 transaction StoreKit.FAILED?2 failed StoreKit.PURCHASED?2 purchased StoreKit.RESTORED?2 restored checkBillingSupported?1(productType) [GoogleBilling] confirmNotification?1(notificationId) [GoogleBilling] requestPurchase?1(productId,productType,developerPayload) [GoogleBilling] restoreTransactions?1() [GoogleBilling] setApiVersion?1(apiVersion) [GoogleBilling] setPublicKey?1(publicKey) [GoogleBilling] Event.CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED_COMPLETE?3 checkBillingSupportedComplete Event.CONFIRM_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETE?3 confirmNotificationComplete Event.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGE?3 purchaseStateChange Event.REQUEST_PURCHASE_COMPLETE?3 requestPurchaseComplete GoogleBilling.BILLING_UNAVAILABLE?2 billingUnavailable GoogleBilling.CANCELED?2 canceled GoogleBilling.DEVELOPER_ERROR?2 developerError GoogleBilling.ERROR?2 error GoogleBilling.EXPIRED?2 expired GoogleBilling.INAPP?2 inapp GoogleBilling.ITEM_UNAVAILABLE?2 itemUnavailable GoogleBilling.OK?2 ok GoogleBilling.PURCHASED?2 purchased GoogleBilling.REFUNDED?2 refunded GoogleBilling.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE?2 serviceUnavailable GoogleBilling.SUBS?2 subs GoogleBilling.USER_CANCELED?2 userCanceled,orientation) hide?1() [iad.Banner] isBannerLoaded?1() [iad.Banner] setAlignment?1(alignment) [iad.Banner] show?1() [iad.Banner] Event.BANNER_ACTION_BEGIN?3 bannerActionBegin Event.BANNER_ACTION_FINISHED?3 bannerActionFinished Event.BANNER_AD_FAILED?3 bannerAdFailed Event.BANNER_AD_LOADED?3 bannerAdLoaded iad.Banner.BOTTOM?2 bottom iad.Banner.LANDSCAPE?2 landscape iad.Banner.PORTRAIT?2 portrait iad.Banner.TOP?2 top iad.isAvailable?1() authorize?1(permissions) [Facebook] dialog?1(action,paramaters) [Facebook] extendAccessToken?1() [Facebook] extendAccessTokenIfNeeded?1() [Facebook] getAccessToken?1() [Facebook] getExpirationDate?1() [Facebook] graphRequest?1(graphPath,paramaters,method) [Facebook] isSessionValid?1() [Facebook] logout?1() [Facebook] setAccessToken?1(accessToken) [Facebook] setAppId?1(appId) [Facebook] setExpirationDate?1(expirationDate) [Facebook] shouldExtendAccessToken?1() [Facebook] Event.DIALOG_CANCEL?3 dialogCancel Event.DIALOG_COMPLETE?3 dialogComplete Event.DIALOG_ERROR?3 dialogError Event.LOGIN_CANCEL?3 loginCancel Event.LOGIN_COMPLETE?3 loginComplete Event.LOGIN_ERROR?3 loginError Event.LOGOUT_COMPLETE?3 logoutComplete Event.REQUEST_COMPLETE?3 requestComplete Event.REQUEST_ERROR?3 requestError debug.debug?1() enters interactive debug mode, line with only "cont" terminates debug.gethook?1() returns current hook function, hook mask, hook count debug.getinfo?1(function,what) returns table with information about a function debug.getlocal?1(level,local) returns name and value of local variable with index local at stack level debug.getupvalue?1(func,up) returns name and value of upvalue with index up of function func debug.sethook?1(hook,mask,count) sets given function as a hook, mask="[crl]" debug.setlocal?1(level,local,value) sets local variable with index local at stack level with value debug.settypemt?1() Set meta table type debug.setupvalue?1(func,up,value) sets upvalue with index up of function func with value debug.traceback?1(message,level) returns a string with a traceback of the call stack getMaxLength?1() [b2.RopeJoint] setMaxLength?1(maxLength) [b2.RopeJoint],v1y,v2x,v2y) set?1(v1x,v1y,v2x,v2y) [b2.EdgeShape] sets the two vertices,hY,hZ) creates a new collision box shape,height) creates a new collision capsule shape creates a new collision sphere shape FBInstant.context.chooseAsync?1(options,callback) Opens a context selection dialog for the player. FBInstant.context.createAsync?1(id,callback) Attempts to create or switch into a context between a specified player and the current player. FBInstant.context.getID?1() A unique identifier for the current game context. FBInstant.context.getPlayersAsync?1(callback) Gets an table of #contextplayer objects containing information about active players. FBInstant.context.getType?1() The type of the current game context. FBInstant.context.isSizeBetween?1(minSize,maxSize) Determines whether the number of participants in the current game context is between a given minimum and maximum. FBInstant.context.switchAsync?1(id,callback) Request a switch into a specific context. FBInstant.payments.consumePurchaseAsync?1(purchaseToken,callback) Consumes a specific purchase belonging to the current player. FBInstant.payments.getCatalogAsync?1(callback) Fetches the game's product catalog. FBInstant.payments.getPurchasesAsync?1(callback) Fetches all of the player's unconsumed purchases. FBInstant.payments.onReady?1(callback) Sets a callback to be triggered when Payments operations are available. FBInstant.payments.purchaseAsync?1(purchaseConfig,callback) Begins the purchase flow for a specific product. FBInstant.player.canSubscribeBotAsync?1(callback) Whether a player can subscribe to the game bot or not. FBInstant.player.flushDataAsync?1(callback) Immediately flushes any changes to the player data to the designated cloud storage. FBInstant.player.getConnectedPlayersAsync?1(callback) Fetches a table of ConnectedPlayer tables. FBInstant.player.getDataAsync?1(keys,callback) Retrieve data from the designated cloud storage of the current player. FBInstant.player.getID?1() A unique identifier for the player. FBInstant.player.getName?1() The player's localized display name. FBInstant.player.getPhoto?1() A url to the player's public profile photo. FBInstant.player.getSignedPlayerInfoAsync?1(requestPayload,callback) Fetch the player's unique identifier along with a signature. FBInstant.player.getStatsAsync?1(keys,callback) Retrieve stats from the designated cloud storage of the current player. FBInstant.player.incrementStatsAsync?1(keys-value-pairs,callback) Increment stats saved in the designated cloud storage of the current player. FBInstant.player.setDataAsync?1(keys-value-pairs,callback) Set data to be saved to the designated cloud storage of the current player. FBInstant.player.setStatsAsync?1(keys-value-pairs,callback) Set stats to be saved to the designated cloud storage of the current player. FBInstant.player.subscribeBotAsync?1(callback) Request that the player subscribe the bot associated to the game. getMaterial?1() [r3d.Fixture] gets the fixture material raycast?1(sx,sy,sz,ex,ey,ez) [r3d.Fixture] performs a ray cast on the fixture setCollideWithMaskBits?1(bits) [r3d.Fixture] sets the categories this fixture can collide with setCollisionCategoryBits?1(bits) [r3d.Fixture] sets the fixture collision category bit setMaterial?1(mat) [r3d.Fixture] sets the fixture material testPointInside?1(x,y,z) [r3d.Fixture] checks if a point is inside the fixture applyForce?1(forceX,forceY,forceZ[,pointX,pointY,pointZ]) [r3d.Body] applies a force to this body applyTorque?1(torqueX,torqueY,torqueZ) [r3d.Body] applies a torque to this body createFixture?1(shape,transform,mass) [r3d.Body] creates a new fixture destroyFixture?1(fixture) [r3d.Body] destroys a fixture enableGravity?1(enable) [r3d.Body] enables or disables gravity force on the body getAngularDamping?1() [r3d.Body] gets the body angular damping getAngularVelocity?1() [r3d.Body] gets the body angular velocity getLinearDamping?1() [r3d.Body] gets the body linear damping getLinearVelocity?1() [r3d.Body] gets the body linear velocity getMass?1() [r3d.Body] gets the body mass getTransform?1() [r3d.Body] gets the body transform (position and rotation) matrix raycast?1(sx,sy,sz,ex,ey,ez) [r3d.Body] performs a ray cast on the body setAngularDamping?1(number) [r3d.Body] sets the body angular damping setAngularVelocity?1(number) [r3d.Body] sets the body angular velocity setIsAllowedToSleep?1(allowed) [r3d.Body] allows or disallows a body to sleep setLinearDamping?1(number) [r3d.Body] sets the body linear damping setLinearVelocity?1(number) [r3d.Body] sets the body linear velocity setMass?1(number) [r3d.Body] sets the mass of the body setTransform?1(transform) [r3d.Body] sets the body transform matrix setType?1(type) [r3d.Body] sets the body type testPointInside?1(x,y,z) [r3d.Body] checks if a point is inside the body r3d.Body.STATIC_BODY?2 0 r3d.Body.KINEMATIC_BODY?2 1 r3d.Body.DYNAMIC_BODY?2 2,indices) creates a new collision concave mesh shape,indices,faces) creates a new collision convex mesh shape,height,minAltitude,maxAltitude,field) creates a new collision height field shape getAlpha?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style alpha getColor?1(ImGuiElement) [ImGui.Style] gets the color of an ImGui element getDisplaySafeAreaPadding?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style safe area display value getItemSpacing?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style items spacing getScrollbarRounding?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style scrollbar rounding getScrollbarSize?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style scrollbar size getTouchExtraPadding?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style touch extra padding getWindowBorderSize?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style window border size getWindowMinSize?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style window minimum size getWindowRounding?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style window rounding getWindowTitleAlign?1() [ImGui.Style] gets the ImGui global style window title alignment setAlpha?1(alpha) [ImGui.Style] sets the ImGui global style alpha setColor?1(ImGuiElement, [ImGui.Style] hex, alpha) sets a color to an ImGui element setDisplaySafeAreaPadding?1(number, [ImGui.Style] number) sets the ImGui global style the safe area display padding setItemSpacing?1(number, [ImGui.Style] number) sets the ImGui global style items spacing setScrollbarRounding?1(number) [ImGui.Style] sets the ImGui global style scrollbar rounding setScrollbarSize?1(number) [ImGui.Style] sets the ImGui global style scrollbar size setTouchExtraPadding?1(number, [ImGui.Style] number) sets the ImGui global style touch extra padding setWindowBorderSize?1(number) [ImGui.Style] sets the ImGui global style window border size setWindowMinSize?1(number, [ImGui.Style] number) sets the ImGui global style window minimum size setWindowRounding?1(number) [ImGui.Style] sets the ImGui global style window rounding setWindowTitleAlign?1(number, [ImGui.Style] number) sets the ImGui global style window title alignment ImGui.KeyChar?3 ImGui._VERSION?2 getBackgroundDrawList?1() [ImGui.DrawList] gets the background ImGui draw list getForegroundDrawList?1() [ImGui.DrawList] gets the foreground ImGui draw list getWindowDrawList?1() [ImGui.DrawList] gets the window ImGui draw list addLine?1(p1, [ImGui.DrawList] p2, color, alpha, thickness) adds a line to an ImGui draw list addRect?1((p_min_x, [ImGui.DrawList] p_min_y, p_max_x, p_max_y, color, [rounding=0, rounding_corners=ImGui.CornerFlags_All, thickness=1]) adds a rectangle to an ImGui draw list getCircleSegmentMaxError?1() [ImGui.DrawList] gets the draw list max circle segment error getCurveTessellationTol?1() [ImGui.DrawList] gets the draw list curve tessellation tolerance getFont?1() [ImGui.DrawList] gets the draw list font getFontSize?1() [ImGui.DrawList] gets the draw list font size creates a new Bitmap object getAnchorPoint?1() [Bitmap] returns the x and y coordinates of the anchor point setAnchorPoint?1(x,y) [Bitmap] sets the anchor point setTexture?1(texture) [Bitmap] sets the texture setTextureRegion?1(textureRegion) [Bitmap] sets the texture region getHeight?1() [TextureBase] returns the height of the texture in pixels getSize?1() [TextureBase] returns the size of a texture getTexelSize?1() [TextureBase] returns the size of a texel, 1/(gpu texture width), 1/(gpu texture height) getWidth?1() [TextureBase] returns the width of the texture in pixels TextureBase.CLAMP?2 clamp TextureBase.REPEAT?2 repeat TextureBase.RGB565?2 rgb565 TextureBase.RGB888?2 rgb888 TextureBase.RGBA4444?2 rgba4444 TextureBase.RGBA5551?2 rgba5551 TextureBase.RGBA8888?2 rgba8888 TextureBase.Y8?2 y8 TextureBase.A8?2 a8 TextureBase.YA8?2 ya8,gravityY,gravityZ) creates a 3D physics world createBallAndSocketJoint?1(bodyA,bodyB,anchorX,anchorY,anchorZ,params) [r3d.World] creates a ball and socket joint createBody?1(transform) [r3d.World] creates a new body createFixedJoint?1(bodyA,bodyB,anchorX,anchorY,anchorZ,params) [r3d.World] creates a fixed joint createHingeJoint?1(bodyA,bodyB,anchorX,anchorY,anchorZ,axisX,axisY,axisZ,params) [r3d.World] creates a hinge joint createSliderJoint?1(bodyA,bodyB,anchorX,anchorY,anchorZ,axisX,axisY,axisZ,params) [r3d.World] creates a slider joint destroyBody?1(body) [r3d.World] destroys a body destroyBody?1(joint) [r3d.World] destroys a joint raycast?1(sx,sy,sz,ex,ey,ez,callback,category) [r3d.World] performs a ray cast on the world setEventListener?1(listener) [r3d.World] sets the event listener for collisions in the world step?1(time) [r3d.World] steps the world testAABBOverlap?1(bodyA,bodyB) [r3d.World] checks if two bodies AABB overlap testCollision?1([bodyA,[bodyB,]]callback[,category]) [r3d.World] checks collisions testOverlap?1(bodyA,bodyB) [r3d.World] checks if two bodies overlap package.loadlib?1(libname,funcname) dynamic linking of host program with C library libname zlib.adler32?1(adler32,buffer) updates the adler32 value zlib.compress?1(buffer,level,method,windowBits,memLevel,strategy) returns compressed string zlib.crc32?1(crc32,buffer) updates the crc32 value zlib.decompress?1(buffer,windowBits) returns the decompressed stream zlib.deflate?1(sink,level,method,windowBits,memLevel,strategy,dictionary) returns a deflate stream zlib.inflate?1(source,windowBits,dictionary) returns an inflate stream table.clear?1(t) sets all keys in the given table to nil table.clone?1(table,target,deepclone) duplicates a table table.concat?1(table,sep,i,j) returns concatenated table elements i to j separated by sep table.create?1(count,value) creates a table with the array portion allocated to the given number of elements table.find?1(table,what,init) returns the index of the first occurrence of what within table starting from init table.foreach?1(table,function) iterates over the provided table, passing the key and value of each iteration over to the provided function table.foreachi?1(t,function) similar to table.foreach() except index-value pairs are passed instead of key-value pairs table.freeze?1(t) makes the given table read-only table.getn?1(t) returns the number of elements in the table passed table.insert?1(table,pos,value) inserts value at location pos in table, default pos=n 1 table.isfrozen?1(t) returns true if the given table is frozen and false if it isn't frozen table.maxn?1(t) returns the maximum numeric key of the provided table, or zero if the table has no numeric keys table.move?1(src,a,b,t,dst) copies the specified range of elements from one table to another table.pack?1(values...) returns a new table containing the provided values table.remove?1(table,pos) removes element at pos from table, default pos=n table.share?1(table) makes a table thread safe table.sort?1(table,comp) sorts in-place elements 1 to n, comp(v1,v2- true if v1, suspends execution of the coroutine,text,sample,layout) creates a new TextField object with the specified font and text getLayout?1() [TextField] retrieves the layout parameters of the Textfield getLetterSpacing?1() [TextField] returns the letter-spacing property which is used to increase or decrease the space between characters in a text getLineHeight?1() [TextField] gets the textfield line height getPointFromTextPosition?1(offset) [TextField] returns the coordinates from a given offset within the text getSample?1() [TextField] gets the string used as sample for determining line height getText?1() [TextField] returns the textfield text getTextColor?1() [TextField] returns the textfield text color in hexadecimal format getTextPositionFromPoint?1(x,y) [TextField] returns the offset into a text from x,y coordinates setFont?1(font) [TextField] sets the textfield font to use setLayout?1(layout) [TextField] changes the textfield layout parameters setLetterSpacing?1(spacing) [TextField] sets the letter-spacing property which is used to increase or decrease the space between characters in a text setSample?1(sample) [TextField] sets the sample string used for determining the text line height setText?1(text) [TextField] sets the textfield text to be displayed setTextColor?1(color) [TextField] sets the textfield text color in hexadecimal format creates a new Mesh instance clearColorArray?1() [Mesh] clears the color array clearIndexArray?1() [Mesh] clears the index array clearTexture?1(slot) [Mesh] clears the Mesh texture clearTextureCoordinateArray?1() [Mesh] clears the texture coordinate array clearVertexArray?1() [Mesh] clears the vertex array getColor?1(i) [Mesh] returns color and alpha of the i-th element from color array getColorArraySize?1() [Mesh] gets the size of the Color array getIndex?1(i) [Mesh] returns the i-th element from index array getIndexArraySize?1() [Mesh] gets the size of the Index array getTextureCoordinate?1(i) [Mesh] returns u and v coordinate of the i-th element from texture coordinate array getTextureCoordinateArraySize?1() [Mesh] gets the size of the Texture Coordinate array getVertex?1(i) [Mesh] returns x and y coordinate of the i-th element from vertex array getVertexArraySize?1() [Mesh] gets the size of the Vertices array resizeColorArray?1(size) [Mesh] resizes the Color array resizeIndexArray?1(size) [Mesh] resizes the Index array resizeTextureCoordinateArray?1(size) [Mesh] resizes the texture coordinates array resizeVertexArray?1(size) [Mesh] resizes the vertex array setAutoSort?1(bool) [Mesh] enables depth sorting for translucency setColor?1(i,color,alpha) [Mesh] sets a color in the color array setColorArray?1(colors) [Mesh] sets or replace the whole color array setColors?1(colors) [Mesh] sets several colors at once setCullMode?1(mode) [Mesh] sets the face culling mode setGenericArray?1(index,type,mult,count,data) [Mesh] sets or replace a generic array setIndex?1(i,index) [Mesh] sets an index in the index array setIndexArray?1(indices) [Mesh] sets or replace the whole index array setIndices?1(indices) [Mesh] sets several indices at once setInstanceCount?1(count) [Mesh] enables instanced rendering and sets the number of instances to draw setPrimitiveType?1(primitiveType) [Mesh] sets the type of primitives to render setTexture?1(texture,slot) [Mesh] attaches a texture to the Mesh setTextureCoordinate?1(i,u,v) [Mesh] sets a texture coordinate in the texture coordinates array setTextureCoordinateArray?1(textureCoordinates) [Mesh] sets or replace the whole texture coordinates array setTextureCoordinates?1(textureCoordinates) [Mesh] sets several texture coordinates at once setVertex?1(i,x,y) [Mesh] sets a vertex in the vertex array setVertexArray?1(vertices) [Mesh] sets or replace the whole vertex array setVertices?1(vertices) [Mesh] sets several vertices at once creates a new viewport lookAngles?1(eyex,eyey,eyez,pitch,yaw,roll) [Viewport] sets up the viewport look angle transform matrix lookAt?1(eyex,eyey,eyez,targetx,targety,targetz,upx,upy,upz) [Viewport] sets up the viewport look at transform matrix setClip?1(x,y,width,height) [Viewport] sets the viewport size setContent?1(content) [Viewport] sets the viewport content (sprite) setProjection?1(matrix) [Viewport] specifies a projection matrix to use when displaying the content setTarget?1(rt) [Viewport] sets a rt as target setTransform?1(transform) [Viewport] sets the content transform matrix before it being displayed